Lourdes High School About 1960

50th Reunion, 2010

Click on Image to Enlarge


Above is a video slideshow showing the portrait photos of classmates taken at the 50th Reunion at the Saturday evening banquet August 7, 2010.  Classmates (and spouses and friends) are identified in the video and the photo sequence is in alphabetical order of the name of the 1960 student.  Because of this ordering, some groups are seen more than once. 

[Background Royalty Free music in this video is:  "Last Kiss Goodnight"; "Water Droplets on the River" and "Somewhere Sunny" are all by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) and  
Licensed under Creative Commons]

Disclaimer:  Wow, If I were able to correctly identify all the people in the slideshow and be lucky enough to spell all the names correctly I would be very happy!   However, if anyone notices errors and/or additions, please let me know and I will correct them.  The previous unnamed portrait slideshow still exists on the "50th Reunion" Page. 

Note:  If your computer can handle it, press on the collection of 4 arrows on the right side of the progress bar on the bottom of the video to make the video full screen.  If that overwhelms your computer try making the browser screen larger by  pressing CTRL and + at the same time.  Repeating these key strokes will enlarge the video even more.  This is also true of the Deceased Classmates video below.